Tuesday, March 23, 2010


You might be able to title this entry - "what I learned from the bunny flu; part 2". The illness spread to every bunny - 24 hours of suffering and one day of shakey recovery and we were all back in buisness.

Well...not all of us.

Suffering produces lots of different reactions in people, but there are two main categories - keep going or quit. I've been struck by the concept of quitting this week. Anything worth doing in life will have adversity. Adversity challenges our love our commitment and our joy along the journey. Some people give up their spot because they get challenged or get tired or it stops being fun or they come down with a nasty case of Bunny Flu. Others see it as an opportunity to prove who they are and demonstrate the value of who they journey for or why they journey at all. These are the ones who, at the end of the path, find a crown.

The rest....it's an endless cycle of starting but never finishing. They never get to see the end of any road or have much to show for the time spent on the road.

Jesus' journey toward Easter had more than it's fair share of hard things...even without the cross. He kept going. He never gave up his spot. He saw his journey to completion.

So, it's another day. I'm going to go put on my furry petri dish and pray for the grace to finish my walk.

1 comment:

  1. "YOU CAN DO IT!!" ;)

    There's a light at the end of the tunnel... one more week.. I'm looking forward to it!! =)
